Company / Brand: Steamboat BBQ Buffet D’Kayangan
Website / Links:
Price Range: RM20-RM35
Operation: Monday-Friday 5.00pm-12.00am | Saturday-Sunday 3.00pm-12.00am
Contact: 012-297 1091
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Steamboat BBQ Buffet D’Kayangan originally provided steamboat cuisine. You are given 2 choices of soup, namely Chicken or Tomyam as stew soup for them to enjoy together with a variety of fresh seafood.

The choices are of course large shrimp, clams, fish, bamboo lala and many more. Various ingredients, vegetables, mee and also fucuk are also provided for your’ choices.

There are also various choices of sauces made by the Chef himself such as Sos Cili Pedas, Sos Thousand Island, Sos Cili Thai, Sos Cili Manis, Sos Bawang Putih, Sos Lada Hitam, Sos Yong Tau Foo and many more.