Company / Brand: MIDO Korean BBQ
Website / Links:
Price Range: RM24-RM65
Operation: Monday-Friday 11.30am-3.00pm, 5.30pm-11.00pm | Saturday-Sunday 11.30am-11.00pm
Contact: 03-7865 9779
Feedback: Facebook Comments | Google Review

Mido is the brilliant brainchild of Mr. Joseph Lee and his partners, the young Korean business owner. Joseph decided to pursue his interest in F&B after arriving in Malaysia to add to his other businesses. In July this year, the young entrepreneur opened Mido, serving lots of BBQ Korean classics, stews and even Korea Fried Chicken.

The front of the restaurant is designed to look like a Korean house with large heavy wooden doors. There are two windows on each side, and unlike most restaurants, unless the windows are open, one can not see the dining. Walking into Mido, diners are transported immediately to warm and vibrant interiors filled with lots of wood.