Company / Brand: Jumbo Restaurant & Catering Sdn Bhd
Website / Links:
Price Range: RM7 and above
Operation: Monday-Friday 9.00am-6.00pm | Saturday 9.00am-4.00pm
Contact: 0380701963
Feedback: Facebook Comments | Google Review

A large portion of JUMBO’s menu is centred on traditional South Indian cuisine that has an intense play of ancient and healthy spices and herbs. It can be said that Indian cuisine and preparation is very much deep rooted in Ayurveda food with the widest taste palate – Savoury, Sweet, Spicy, Bitter, Salty, Sour and Tangy for digestive and nourishing balance. Around this base, all-time-favourites of North Indian – Malaysian cuisines and select Western snacks and party-food items are made available to compliment and suit the diverse Malaysian cultural background and their love of great tasting food to be spread out at their event.