Company / Brand: Uokatsu
Website / Links:
Price Range: RM15-RM60
Operation: Tuesday-Friday 11.30am-2.30pm, 6.00pm-9.30pm | Saturday-Sunday 11.00am-2.30pm, 6.00pm-10.00pm
Contact: 03 6201 0339
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The city centre, Uokatsu is located at Sri Hartamas and has been a favourite among residents in the neighbourhood. With simple furnishing, this no-fuss restaurant serves delicious fresh food at reasonable prices. Some of their highlights include the mentai rice – mentai topped on egg on a bowl of rice; and homemade air-dry saba, which has a deeper flavour than normal grilled saba. The menu here boasts a number of don dishes, fresh sashimi, and grilled seafood.